Lexus BSM Light: Meaning, Potential Causes & Solutions

Do you want to know what the Lexus BSM light means, how it can benefit you, what common problems arise, and how you can enhance your safety by using it?

Modern Lexus vehicles are equipped with the blind spot monitor (BSM) light, which is an essential advanced safety feature. When a vehicle is detected in the driver’s blind spots, the BSM system indicates a light on the dashboard or left and right rear mirrors. The system reduces the risk of collision while changing lanes by warning the driver.

Lexus BSM Light Meaning, Potential Causes & Solutions

The purpose of this article is to educate you on blind spot monitoring lights, their common problems, their solutions, how to turn them on and off, their purpose, and their usage’s purpose. Here is everything you need to know about BSM.

Lexus BSM Light Meaning

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at how Lexus blind spot monitor lights work:

In order to prevent accidents and improve driver safety, Lexus developed the BSM, which stands for blind spot monitor. Blind spots are detected in which a driver cannot see vehicles using side mirrors. In the left and right corners of the rear bumper, two radar sensors are used. 

Lexus BSM Light Meaning

As a result of the radar sensors, the BSM system receives data, and a blinking light appears on the side mirror to indicate the presence of the vehicle. You can safely change lanes when you see this flashing light, preventing accidents or collisions. 

As an alternative to BSMs, rear cross-traffic alerts (RCTAs) help drivers drive safely while on the road, exiting parking lots, negotiating corners, and changing lanes. It is sometimes hard to watch the left and right sides of the road when driving fast, and we fail to pay attention to safe driving as we overtake other vehicles. The disadvantage is that it prevents you from hitting any other vehicle while driving fast.

Lexus BSM Problems

In Lexus vehicles, however, the BSM system plays an important role in keeping drivers and passengers safe. In addition, the BSM light can also cause some critical problems. In the following paragraphs, a number of problems are described, along with solutions.

Lexus BSM Problems

Sensor Malfunctions

When the sensors are covered with dirt, debris, and snow, they may malfunction after traveling in harsh weather conditions like rain, dirt, and cold. Lexus RX350 BSM light signals are affected by such conditions because radar sensors can’t function correctly.


Maintain the sensors by locating them and cleaning them regularly so they don’t wear out.

False Alerts

Occasionally, there may be a warning light appearing in your side mirror even if there is no vehicle in the blind spot. There are several factors that can cause false alerts, such as rain, snow, dirt, and nearby objects. 


In case of continuous false alerts, you may need to carry out a manual inspection of the BSM sensors, wiring, and overall condition of the unit. Ensure that all components are working properly before turning off the engine and starting it again after a while. Therefore, you will no longer have to worry about Lexus BSM light problems.

Electrical Issues

Lexus BSM lights can be affected when any electric component becomes faulty. This can include wiring, batteries, connectors, or fuses. Most BSM light problems are caused by dead batteries, damaged wiring, and malfunctioning components.


Find out if any electric parts are faulty or damaged by examining their condition. If the BSM light on your Lexus is not working, replace the faulty component with a new one.

Systematic Issues

The BSM system can have performance issues if there are technical glitches or systematic issues. There may be difficulty finding the exact part that is faulty when dealing with such issues.


A code scanner can be used to identify the issues and to resolve them one at a time. You may want to seek professional assistance if you’ve never faced such a problem before.

Advanced Features Related To BSM

In this article, we will look at some of the advanced features designed into Lexus vehicles to ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience.

Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)When reversing, warns drivers of approaching vehiclesReverse gear-activatedVisual and/or audible alerts
Lane Change Assist (LCA)Provides additional alerts if a vehicle is rapidly approaching from behind while changing lanesEnhances safety with BSMVisual and/or audible alerts

How do you turn the BSM light on and off?

It’s simple to turn on and off the Lexus BSM light, and you can usually do it yourself. In order to turn on and off the Lexus blind spot monitor, there are two ways, as explained below.

Through BSM Button

Follow these steps to perform this easy, less time-consuming method immediately.

  • Locate the BSM button: At the steering wheel, look for the blind spot monitor button.
  • Activating the BSM: After pressing the BSM button, a green light will appear, meaning the blind spot monitoring light is now on and active.
  • Deactivating the BSM: Repress the button to turn off the BSM. After a few seconds, the dashboard light will disappear, and the system will be turned off.

Through Multi-Information Display (MID)

It is recommended that you spend some time enabling or disabling the Lexus BSM light using this method.

  • You can locate the arrows on your Lexus steering wheel to the right.
  • Navigate to the settings using the right arrow.
  • Click on the BSM by scrolling down with the bottom arrow.
  • As a default, you will see no light from the blind spot monitor. By pressing the middle button of the BSM, you can turn it “ON.”
  • If you press again, the Lexus dashboard symbol will stop flashing.

You can turn the BSM light on and off by doing this.

Lexus BSM Warning Light

You may see a Lexus BSM warning light indicating that the BSM system is experiencing technical difficulties. In addition to faulty sensors, calibration issues, electrical issues, and weather conditions, other systems can also cause the warning light to appear.

Lexus BSM Warning Light

It is important to examine each part individually to see if there are any signs of wear or damage. Fix the issue and optimize the performance after identifying the culprit.


In road crossing situations where various vehicles are crossing, the Lexus BSM light plays a vital role in your safety. By using this feature, you can identify vehicles in blind spots that you are unable to see in your side mirrors. You can make the most of this excellent driving assistant feature after you understand what BSM light is, how to activate or deactivate it, and why it is important.

It is important to regularly maintain all the components of the blind spot monitor and to keep up with the latest software updates so that you are driving more safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the BSM light on my Lexus mean?

When the blind spot monitor system is enabled, the BSM light on your Lexus indicates that the vehicle is being monitored in a blind spot that can’t be seen in the side mirrors. In some cases, sensors might malfunction or false alerts may cause the light to remain on.

How do I know if my Lexus BSM system is turned on?

You can tell whether your Lexus blind spot monitor system is working by the BSM symbol flashing on the dashboard. A green light can also be seen blinking on the left side of the steering wheel, which indicates the BSM button is functioning.

Why is my BSM light flashing or not turning off?

An obstruction in the sensor, a fault with the electrical system, or a software error can all make the BSM light stay on. The issues should be resolved as soon as the sensors have been cleaned and the software has been updated. It is recommended to consult a technician if they persist.

Can I fix the Lexus BSM light problems?

Neither advanced knowledge nor advanced equipment are needed for this repair. By learning how to use the steering wheel and knowing some basic mechanics, you can easily fix Lexus BSM problems, which will save you time and money.

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