Acura A16 Service [What’s Included & Average Cost]

It is important to maintain your Acura in order to keep it in good health. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep your Acura running for many years, and you’ll also be less likely to get stuck.

The majority of people understand the importance of regular vehicle maintenance, but others are unaware of the process.

Acura A16 Service [What’s Included & Average Cost]

Among the most commonly performed services on Acuras is the A16 service, and in this article, I will explain what this service entails, what it covers, and how much it costs.

It’s time to get started.

What is Acura’s a16 Service?

Acura vehicles have a 16 service code as part of their service minder system, which is a computer that tracks maintenance intervals.

What is Acura’s a16 Service?

Drivers can use the code to determine when they should service their vehicles and what needs to be done. This service includes an oil change, a tire rotation, and an oil change in the rear differential fluid.

What is Included in A16 Service on an Acura?

In the following sections, we will take a closer look at what exactly the a16 service has to offer.

What is Included in A16 Service on an Acura?

1. Oil Change

An oil change is the first thing on the list. Having your car serviced for the first time might be a bit overwhelming if you don’t know what it entails.

The process of performing an oil change involves draining your vehicle’s engine of all its old oil and replacing it with new, fresh oil.

Engine wear can be reduced by preventing sludge and gunk from collecting in the engine.

2. Tire Rotation

As part of the Acura a16 service, tire rotation is next on the list.

The process of rotating your tires involves rotating them from one position to another.

As a result, they will wear evenly and last longer, which will lead to increased fuel efficiency and less wear.

3. Rear Differential Fluid Change

It transmits the power of the engine to the wheels through the rear differential on your Acura.

It works by connecting two metal plates with gears, which are enclosed in a housing filled with lubricant (generally known as differential fluid).

Keeping those gears turning smoothly and efficiently is the purpose of this fluid.

It is inevitable that the fluid will become dirty and contaminated over time.

In addition to wearing down the gears in your differential, your other important vehicle components can be prematurely worn out.

In order to help prevent unnecessary repairs down the road, it is also included in Acura’s A16 service.

4. Car Wash and Vacuum

As part of Acura’s A16 service, the car is washed and vacuumed once more. To remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during the cleaning process, your vehicle is cleaned and vacuumed after all the other work is done.

This ensures that you are getting maximum value for your money and that your vehicle looks like new upon completion of the service.

Acura’s Service A16 Checklist 

Oil Change (A)
Tire Rotation (1)
Rear Differential Fluid Change (6)
Car Wash and Vacuum

Acura a16 Service Cost

Now let’s take a look at how much a service for the Acura A16 will cost. Typical Acura A16 service costs range from $240 to $300.

Acura a16 Service Cost

Below are the breakdowns of each task:

  • Oil change = $80-100
  • Tire Rotation = $27 -40
  • Rear Differential fluid change = $130-160

There will be a price difference based on where you take your vehicle, regardless of whether you have the TLX, MDX, RDX, ILX, or NSX.

There are differences in prices between different dealers and independent garages, but the price is usually within a few dollars.

A16 Service Schedule

There is also a recommended service schedule for the Acura A16 in addition to the service minder message that appears on your screen.

Below are the service schedules for Acura A16s:

  • Every 5000-7500 miles, oil needs to be changed
  • Each 7500-1000 mile, tires should be rotated
  • Between 30,000 and 50,000 miles, the rear differential fluid needs to be changed

These are the general guidelines an Auto tech recommends after the maintenance service reminder.

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